Remember Me

A Mighty Fine Time Machine
Children's - Preschool-3rd Grade, Age 4-8 
32 p. ; 
Retail $6.95

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9781620916056
Make Way For Books
Imagination, both generated and given, is the real star of the story. Humor, wordplay, and fun spill from every page!
Publisher Summary
How can you turn an empty box into a time machine? Samantha, an anteater, helps her friends Grant, an aardvark, and Antoine, an armadillo, add a bunch of thingamabobs and hoozie-doozies to create a spiffy but still not-working time machine. Then she comes up with the perfect idea: Put it in a wagon and add books. The mighty fine time machine becomes the best do-it-yourself bookmobile anyone could ever imagine! And it works!
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